The first thing you need to do when creating a database in Access is to look for a problem or select one that you would like to make easier , for example, we chose a problem and named it Music Collection DataBase, we
are going to start with the recollection of data , then we'll organized
it, make an E/R Diagram in DIA format, go to access, create the tables
according to each entity with their corresponding attributes.Elaborate
forms and queries based on the relationship between tables and at last
we will take care of its interfaces. Below are a series of question we
used to elaborate on our Database.
Questions Asked:
- What is your name?
- How many CDs do you have in your music collection?
- What's your problem?
- How do you want them to be arrange?
- Do you want it private? If so, should we include your ID?
- What's your ID?
- If not, who are the members that can access it? Password?
- What background do you want?
- Any favorite colors?
- Should we include images?
- Do you have a preference of font style and size?
- What are your favorite CDs?
- Do you have a preference in the order of the arrangement?
- Will you like to have links to the videos of each song?
- Do you have in mind buying more CDs?
- Will you like to be able to enter their data on the database?
- When do you want this project to be done?
- Would you like to enter data of your digital music too?
- Should we include all your CDs to be in the system?
- If not, which ones should we include?
- Do you want information about the singers and songwriters?
- Any other comments?
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